Randomly selected moose sites and articles for your web-surfing pleasure
It’s a fairly short list at the moment, but we hope it will grow. Got a favorite? Drop us an e-mail with your suggestions!
Gardsjö Älgpark
A Swedish moose park, where Leffe takes visitors on tours to commune with the mooses! And here’s a video of a wee mooselet in Leffe’s house.
Holly’s Moose Page
Retro! Old school! A page from the earlier days of the World Wide Web, still up and running!
Moose Jaw, Saskatechewan
Official page of “Canada’s most notorious city,” home to Mac the Moose, the world’s tallest moose statue. (Take that, Storelgen!)
Moose Not Meese
A site dedicated to one point of view about how to refer to more than one moose. It should be noted that Mickey’s Moose Page takes issue with this scheme, but in the spirit of robust discussion we’ve provided you with the link so you can decide for yourself. (See the Moose Facts page for further analysis.)
A gleaming metallic moose statue out in the middle of the Norwegian toolies! It’s the world’s second-tallest moose, on the losing end of a friendly rivalry between the Norwegian village of Atna and the self-described most notorious city in Canada, Moose Jaw, Saskatechewan.
Thomas Jefferson’s Moose
The gruesome tale of one United States founding father’s quest for a moose carcass to prove to a doubting Frenchman that the mooses of North America could best any moose the European continent had to offer.
Ultimate Moose
Another old-school moose site from England.
The Ultimate Ungulate
A comprehensive guide to the hoofed mammals of the world, including the magnificent moose!